Fair Observer

Fair Observer (US)


Fair Observer is a nonprofit media organization in the US that educates global citizens. It covers subjects like journalism, geopolitics, the global economy, and diversity and more.

We stand against ignorance and apathy. We have taken on the role of the fourth estate to inform and educate the public. It is not enough to know about one’s neighborhood, city or country. The destinies of over 7 billion people are increasingly intertwined. We are all global citizens and it is now time for a truly global discourse.

The story of the world can no longer be told by self-anointed elites. This story is too big, too complex and too important to be the monopoly of any narrow group. The top-down model no longer works. The story of the world has to be told by the world itself.

Political alignment

All media organizations are reporting from their own world view. Some call this political alignment, some editorial leaning and, and some media bias. We call them Narratives.


Sites are mainly Non-partisan or Impartial on their political alignment. They are mixed on whether they support the local Establishment but are usually critical on Trump. Also on a geopolitical level they are mixed whether supporting the Western Coalition.

Funding / Ownership

We’ve done research on who owns or funds the site so you can learn easier about possible funding bias or conflicts of interests.


a private foundation set up by an individual, family or an institute


The reason we show relations to CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission and Chatham House is because there was a study made by Swiss Propaganda Research. They found out that many western news media have relations to those organizations.

No known relations


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